Friday, September 23, 2011

Social practice of distance education research teams in rural areas.

July 26, my school went to the practice squad arrived Hulunbeir Yakeshi city in the southwest suburb of warm springs began five days of practice, the practice of distance education in rural areas to study the theme.

Warm springs under Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Hulunbeir Yakeshi City, because the village has a warm spring, the water sweet, seasonal water temperature is kept at zero on 1 ℃, hence the name "warm springs." The total village area of ??9 square kilometers, has 2.6 million mu of cultivated land, with a total population of 1,717 people, the village of potato farming and Cow for the two leading industries.

In 2005, warm springs set up distance learning to receive points, the village Party branch set up a leading group of distance education, distance education for the daily work of supervision. In recent years, warm springs "two committees' team thoroughly implement the scientific development concept, vigorously push forward the construction of new socialist countryside. Warm springs of distance education "five" classroom for farmers to bring new ideas, new ideas, new knowledge, new technologies for farmers to put up a bridge to get rich.

Players through the first day of discussion with the local village to learn about the warm springs of distance education development, development status, work systems, staff training, materials selection and other aspects of the situation. According to reports, villagers training through distance education and learning, can learn the techniques and methods applied to actual production, resulting in a very good impact. Villagers tasted the sweetness of the farmers, and gradually change their thinking, active learning advanced techniques.

In the next two days, team members divided into three groups of in-depth visits to local villagers, the questionnaire survey the use of distance education the village, the villagers of satisfaction with distance education, technology needs and other related issues. After the research team found that although the village serve as a model of distance education, but there are still some shortcomings, such as: information is not comprehensive enough rich, part of the lack of technical methods of crop cultivation; lack of proper experience-sharing mechanisms; some new varieties, application of new technologies in actual production, there are still difficulties. During the investigation, teams of players brought through the countryside of scientific and technical books and the knowledge to the villagers to spread some of the agricultural science and technology knowledge; with the local environmental conditions, the villagers paid to energy conservation and other promotional materials to promote environmental knowledge, to help villagers raise environmental awareness.

Subsequently, the team also carried out activities to support education and village gathering. Support teaching activities focus on red educational, security, education and ideals, beliefs started Yakeshi City, "the Next Generation Committee" members have full participation. Support education, the team members with "the Next Generation Committee" members held a forum, members hope to continue to carry out activities to support education and hope I will be warm springs and build a school social practice base.

The last day of the study, six-member delegation team to Hailar, and Vice Minister of Hulunbeir Organization Student Village Haas and seven representatives of discussion. The city organizes an annual large-scale training of Student Village, "Tuiyou" integration theory of employment training and entrepreneurship, encouraging college students to the rural village officials the opportunity to employment and entrepreneurship. Student Village brief on behalf of Cunwugongzuo understanding of content and other aspects of training. Haas said the vice minister of the organization, training, Student Village is to change the concept, so that they can not only pragmatic services for the local villagers, but also for their future employment, entrepreneurship find a way out.

Chengdu release balanced education index, rural schools, a number of indicators over the city.

August 7, UNESCO "to promote the balanced development of education to enhance the internationalization of education level" meeting in Chengdu, at the release of "2011: Chengdu compulsory monitoring of the total inter-balanced report" shows that in 2010 the district of Chengdu compulsory education in cities and counties the average balanced index was 0.41, a number of monitoring indicators matched urban and rural schools, rural schools than urban schools in some indicators.

Compulsory education to improve balance.

In recent years local governments to actively implement a balanced education, but there are no national standards for the evaluation, drawing on United Nations Development Programme in Chengdu for the first time on the human development index is calculated to quantify the balance of education index, the index report released by three balanced education large items, small items of 14 quantitative indicators in the country for the first time standardized evaluation.

Chengdu Bureau of Education released under the "Inter-balanced Chengdu compulsory monitoring report (2011)," stage of compulsory education in Chengdu, 838 public schools of the monitoring results show that a balanced level of Chengdu in the region continued to improve compulsory education, compulsory education Schools generally good balance, the difference between compulsory education in rural and urban schools continued to narrow to protect the school children of migrant farmers remarkable achievements. Chengdu compulsory education indicators for monitoring inter-balanced, one school funding, and second, schools, school conditions, third, teacher allocation, four schools of education quality.

The report shows that 471 urban and rural areas of Chengdu Primary Leaving Examination pass rate of one general, six-year retention rate of primary, secondary and higher proportion of teachers in English class at full rate index is roughly equal, both in budget spending for health expenditures, student area, building area per student, student-teacher ratio of several indicators, strong rural primary school in the city. 231 urban and rural middle school, the average number of class sizes, student-teacher ratio, in English class at full rate index is roughly equal; rural junior middle school in the city's strong indicators: three-year junior high school retention rate, student spending for the budget expenditures, student area, students are building area.

Configure multiple educational resources.

Chengdu Bureau of Education released under the "Chengdu Education Development Annual Report (2011)," Statistics, 1099, Chengdu, there are primary and secondary schools, kindergartens, 1691, 42 colleges and universities (including four municipal colleges and universities). Chengdu, a total of 156 primary and secondary students in the school people, 29.5 million children in the garden, colleges and universities this, 58.9 million students in college, graduate 6.2 million people. 106,000 primary and secondary school faculty.

Chengdu balanced development of education using a variety of ways the allocation of resources, including increased education funding, the focus to rural areas, urban and rural school conditions standardized, distributed implementation to adjust the layout of the school and school infrastructure. Implementation of urban and rural bundle, education, group development, promote balanced development of educational content.

Promote the balanced development of compulsory education.

The afternoon of August 6, Guizhou provincial government held a provincial rural boarding school construction project to start tackling the teleconference. Guizhou Provincial Committee, Governor Zhao Ke Zhi, Vice Governor of Guizhou Province, Liu Xiaokai the main venue in the province attended the meeting.

Zhao-chih, in order to further improve the "two basic" level, to improve compulsory education in rural schools in Guizhou Province, school conditions, the basic primary and secondary schools in rural areas of Guizhou Province to solve difficult and students to eat, the problem of teacher accommodation, to protect the health of students in rural areas, and stability of rural teachers narrow the differences between urban and rural education, and promote the balanced development of compulsory education, Guizhou Province, decided in the "five" during the implementation of the "construction of boarding schools in rural areas crucial project." He pointed out that the implementation of this project is the Guizhou provincial government to focus on the overall development of the province's major strategic decisions, both for today's children, but also for tomorrow's Guizhou. 

Party committees, governments and relevant departments to effectively raise awareness, thinking and action into Guizhou provincial committee and government decision-making arrangements, construction of boarding schools in rural areas as the current drive for the balanced development of compulsory education a top priority, in an important schedule, with a strong sense of responsibility and mission, so that thinking and understanding in place, capital investment, responsibility in place, work measures in place, fight hard to do solid work, go all out to implement this project will be good, as soon as possible so that the majority of rural children benefit.

Zhao noted that according to this year is the construction of boarding schools in rural areas crucial year of the project started, but also a crucial year. Localities should be completed around the "Guizhou Province, construction of boarding schools in rural areas crucial project implementation plan" put forward the objectives and tasks to conduct special studies, clarify responsibilities, inverted time, implement the plan, to ensure full completion of this year, rural students the task of building and cafeteria "plan" engineering tasks required each year. 

To strengthen the financial security, do everything possible to raise funds through various channels, in countries actively seek greater support at the same time, the provincial financial arrangements for special funds to do our best to increase investment; to the establishment of municipal and county levels of financial sharing mechanism, conditional places to find ways to increase investment, to assume more responsibility; to step up publicity efforts to mobilize all social forces to raise funds to support more children complete their education in remote poor areas. To strengthen organizational leadership and coordination, strengthen supervision and assessment, work together to jointly promote the implementation of the project.

Liu Xiaokai implementation of Guizhou Province, construction of boarding schools in rural areas crucial projects to make specific arrangements. He called on governments at all levels and relevant departments should earnestly implement the spirit of the meeting, construction of boarding schools to implement crucial projects as the starting point, and comprehensively improve the "two basic" level, to ensure balanced development of compulsory education in Guizhou Province goals achieved. To properly manage the project funds to ensure every penny is spent on mountain children, with the fastest speed, quality and quantity of engineering and building, but as soon as possible complete with dining hall, dorm, security personnel, so safety of the students eat, eat at ease, to ensure safe and orderly boarding school run, to the people and the provincial government to turn in a satisfactory answer.

The meeting also informed of the boarding schools in rural Guizhou Province, building. After the meeting, Liu Xiaokai and municipal (state, land) Government (Administrative Office) is responsible comrades signed a "letter of responsibility to promote the balanced development of compulsory education."

Guizhou Provincial Government Secretary-General Tang Dezhi chaired the meeting. Guizhou provincial departments responsible for the relevant people, municipalities (state, land) Government (Administrative Office) the responsible person in the main hall to attend the meeting.

Education Commentary: Rural students the way out?

The proportion of rural students in key universities declining once again aroused concern in the community. Tsinghua University, School of Humanities and several undergraduate students at Tsinghua University in 2010 to do a sample survey, the total number of students in rural areas 17%. But that was the college entrance exam, the candidate's proportion of the rural 62 percent. Latest issue of "Southern Weekend" questions: the poor child did not spring - the children of a poor family why college farther and farther away from the line?

Data show that China's rural children accounted for the proportion of college freshmen, in fact, a gradual increase, from 43.4% in 1989 to 2003 the proportion of urban students were flat, and then to 53% by 2005. In universities, the proportion of rural students has continued to fall, for example, the proportion of university students in rural areas over the past 20 years on from the three percent down to 10%.

Increased opportunities for rural children to college, and in major universities in the proportion fell, many of them on two, three, and vocational. Education Data MyCOS research shows that 2009 college graduates, from farmers and migrant workers, industry and service workers families who attended the "211" institutions rates were 38%, 22%, lower than distributed in the proportion of students were 40%, 25%.

The author notes that the percentage for the decline of rural universities, the media paid great attention to analysis of the reasons to call a fair starting from education, pay attention to this phenomenon, but get little more time vocational students in rural areas, three of the real interest is not enough. 

Now students from public colleges and universities to discuss more and more distant rural areas, it is difficult "to change the fate of knowledge", and further understanding, is present only to elite universities, universities may have to change the fate of, and admitted to universities in general, it is almost like there is no test the same university. In fact, that is, the proportion of major universities to improve rural health, rural livelihoods can not change the overall time will be more vocational, three, two of the case, for this reality, how to improve the vocational, three and two schools return to education, focus at the moment than the proportion of university admissions is more urgent. This is the crux of the problem.

In China, read a key university education is undoubtedly the highest rate of return. First, the University of countries to invest more, so tuition is relatively low, the analysis of rural students why some people read the vocational, vocational, said the reasons cited low tuition fees, which apparently do not understand the specific school tuition case, you can said, Peking University, Tsinghua University tuition fees within the national standard is the lowest, but a number of private vocational tuition is very high, this is a serious quality and tuition upside down.

Second, some private vocational, private independent schools and colleges, there is no access to state any investment, subsidies, donations and no channels, schools entirely by student tuition fees, in order to maintain the operation of the school, many schools severely compressed educational expenses, such as a long break, to reduce the school's experiment, training courses to enable students to find their own off-campus internship opportunities, students receive little education in schools, educational show "hollowing out" trend.

Again, our personnel evaluation system, but also place great emphasis on "talent" of education, some employers in the recruitment, even including the University's own account, three of the 985 job-seekers the request, that undergraduate, master's, doctoral and read schools are 985 universities (985 universities because it is made in May 1998, so called "University 985", is basically similar with the 211 national key university college). This academic requirements, other general school graduates took the path of development blocked.

This means that the relatively affluent urban children family, with a smaller investment in tuition, the prestigious universities, to obtain greater returns to education; and poor families in rural students, tuition fees, but greater use, in general schools, get lower returns to education. This serious situation of injustice and hurt not only these students, as well as education of rural families hope. Current statistics, is concerned that rural areas the proportion of high school graduates to university, but did not give up higher in junior high school and junior high school drop out did not work for rural children into account.

Educational resources caused by the powerful squeeze hard into the elite of rural students.

"The more background the bottom, the worse the school", this trend is being intensified and solidified. Three decades, the country's transformation continues, but the fate of the underlying individual transformation, but in gradually to a halt. Peking University Tsinghua University and other key survey found that Chinese universities since the 1990s the proportion of rural students from slipping. North proportion of rural students drop from three percent to one percent, Tsinghua University 2010 only 17 percent of rural students.

Class curing, quietly became a regrettable trend. To break the puzzle, education, especially higher education, is the responsibility. University students has been low-level channel for upward mobility. Batch after batch of farmers' children, to take toward the hope of recognition, into the city. But now, for some rural students, the elite's dream of becoming increasingly blurred.

Getting low "proportion", not only that the fate of the individual transformation of frustration, more tolerant social attitudes mean shaken. One interested in urbanized, promote the general welfare of the place, actually inadvertently offend the underlying interests of the people. Jump three decades of economic miracle continue three decades, why rural students will be getting-loved three years? Than their predecessors, they were not necessarily lazy slack, even more hard work, but it is always difficult to replicate before the "elite fairy tale."

Yes, all this is not the fault of rural students. But three decades, some educational resources for the power diverted to rural schools was gradually reduced to rare corners of concern. This co-created the tragedy of rural students. On the one hand, the strong rise of private education, and continues to attract a lot of quality resources within the system. And in view of its high fees, rural students naturally missed Stock Watch; the other hand, the integration of public education out of order, so-called key high school, super secondary schools, with its monopoly advantage to rural schools are far behind.

Over time, urban and rural, rich kids and poor family, after no longer in the same starting line. Once the loss of fair competition, one of them is bound to interest Guadan. If the existing structure does not change, for the foreseeable future, the rural children is difficult not only consider the impact of sub-elite, enthusiasm and passion are bound to disappear. That time, dwarfing universities as "urban club", a mobility of the door was severely crucified. Followed, the digestion of group cohesion, social rift delayed bridge. Even more direct consequence is that many talented people not to come to the fore, some mediocre, but to master the future.

Concerned about the elite in the proportion of rural students is to focus on specific social space and a fair degree of openness. According to population base, taking into account the rapid progress the children of poor family desire, Tsinghua University, Beijing less than two percent of rural students repeat itself strange. Some potential barriers, blocking the road in rural post-graduate students; there are many talented group of incompetent, by unfair means "dove over the magpie's nest." In the twisted rules, limited educational opportunities, not allocated to the most appropriate learners. 

After the fate of the underlying individual rewritten, but the real source of talent may be slowly clogging, drying, which can not but pay attention to.