Friday, September 23, 2011

Education Commentary: Rural students the way out?

The proportion of rural students in key universities declining once again aroused concern in the community. Tsinghua University, School of Humanities and several undergraduate students at Tsinghua University in 2010 to do a sample survey, the total number of students in rural areas 17%. But that was the college entrance exam, the candidate's proportion of the rural 62 percent. Latest issue of "Southern Weekend" questions: the poor child did not spring - the children of a poor family why college farther and farther away from the line?

Data show that China's rural children accounted for the proportion of college freshmen, in fact, a gradual increase, from 43.4% in 1989 to 2003 the proportion of urban students were flat, and then to 53% by 2005. In universities, the proportion of rural students has continued to fall, for example, the proportion of university students in rural areas over the past 20 years on from the three percent down to 10%.

Increased opportunities for rural children to college, and in major universities in the proportion fell, many of them on two, three, and vocational. Education Data MyCOS research shows that 2009 college graduates, from farmers and migrant workers, industry and service workers families who attended the "211" institutions rates were 38%, 22%, lower than distributed in the proportion of students were 40%, 25%.

The author notes that the percentage for the decline of rural universities, the media paid great attention to analysis of the reasons to call a fair starting from education, pay attention to this phenomenon, but get little more time vocational students in rural areas, three of the real interest is not enough. 

Now students from public colleges and universities to discuss more and more distant rural areas, it is difficult "to change the fate of knowledge", and further understanding, is present only to elite universities, universities may have to change the fate of, and admitted to universities in general, it is almost like there is no test the same university. In fact, that is, the proportion of major universities to improve rural health, rural livelihoods can not change the overall time will be more vocational, three, two of the case, for this reality, how to improve the vocational, three and two schools return to education, focus at the moment than the proportion of university admissions is more urgent. This is the crux of the problem.

In China, read a key university education is undoubtedly the highest rate of return. First, the University of countries to invest more, so tuition is relatively low, the analysis of rural students why some people read the vocational, vocational, said the reasons cited low tuition fees, which apparently do not understand the specific school tuition case, you can said, Peking University, Tsinghua University tuition fees within the national standard is the lowest, but a number of private vocational tuition is very high, this is a serious quality and tuition upside down.

Second, some private vocational, private independent schools and colleges, there is no access to state any investment, subsidies, donations and no channels, schools entirely by student tuition fees, in order to maintain the operation of the school, many schools severely compressed educational expenses, such as a long break, to reduce the school's experiment, training courses to enable students to find their own off-campus internship opportunities, students receive little education in schools, educational show "hollowing out" trend.

Again, our personnel evaluation system, but also place great emphasis on "talent" of education, some employers in the recruitment, even including the University's own account, three of the 985 job-seekers the request, that undergraduate, master's, doctoral and read schools are 985 universities (985 universities because it is made in May 1998, so called "University 985", is basically similar with the 211 national key university college). This academic requirements, other general school graduates took the path of development blocked.

This means that the relatively affluent urban children family, with a smaller investment in tuition, the prestigious universities, to obtain greater returns to education; and poor families in rural students, tuition fees, but greater use, in general schools, get lower returns to education. This serious situation of injustice and hurt not only these students, as well as education of rural families hope. Current statistics, is concerned that rural areas the proportion of high school graduates to university, but did not give up higher in junior high school and junior high school drop out did not work for rural children into account.

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